Remedial Massage is a therapeutic style of massage therapy that has a clinical yet holistic approach. It aims at addressing specific musculoskeletal issues while also promoting optimal physical function and overall wellbeing. I draw on my deep knowledge of the musculoskeletal and fascial systems to tailor each treatment for the individual. I predominantly use trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and my intuitive approach to create effective, personalised treatments. Every session includes a thorough assessment, hands-on treatment, and re-assessment to ensure progress and results.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Initial Consult

In your initial session, we will do a thorough body assessment to get clear on your bodily patterns and functions so we can tailor your massage and follow up’s to dig deep into your body history and give you long term release.

Remedial Follow Up

In your follow up sessions, we will do a reassessment of how your body is feeling post initial session, any follow up exercises that were administered to support your body changes and a thorough, new massage to continue supporting you on your healing goals.

Remedial Extra Deep

A follow up session that goes really, really deep where we are able to knuckle down into the spots giving you the greatest grief and ensure all aching parts of your body get the loving and intensive attention they deserve.